Located in Lone Oak, TX, we started our herd in 2012. We strive to produce hardy, healthy goats while bettering the breed. Our goats to freely graze and are rotated on large pastures. We have a deep respect for mothers caring for their young, so we dam raise kids unless bottles are required. We spend lots of time loving on our animals and consistently receive feedback that our goats are friendly. Our disease-free herd is raised using primarily natural methods, but we'll use chemical treatments when necessary.
Commonly Asked Questions
Do you have blue-eyed or polled goats? We do not breed for those specific traits, but we often have blue-eyed goats and occassionally have polled.
Are all your goats registered? Yes. All our goats are registered with AGS and ADGA. If you purchase a kid (baby), we'll provide paperwork so you can register the goat.
Are your goats friendly and easy to handle? We do our best to raise sweet, friendly goats -- one that will approach you for loving but also not smother you for attention. But each goat has a different personality, so some are friendlier than others. We'll be honest and let you know what a goat is like, even if it is shy or stand-offish.
What does "possibly bred" mean? If we sell a goat as possibly bred, it means she was exposed to a buck but pregnancy is not confirmed. We do not charge extra for possibly bred goats because we cannot guarantee the pregnancy "took" or that it will result in live, healthy kids.
Do you provide stud service/lease your bucks? No. For the health of our herd, we only let our bucks date ladies we know. 😊